Benefits of mint leaves

What you should do to keep your heart healthy

Heart disease

The number of heart patients is increasing day by day in Bangladesh. Apart from hereditary factors, the number of heart patients is increasing due to irregular lifestyle, eating habits, lack of physical labor, wrong diet, anxiety etc. Although hereditary factors cannot be altered, it is possible to reduce the risk of heart disease by modifying or correcting each of these factors. Not only that, these changes can play a significant role in preventing as well as treating heart disease.

The changes in eating habits that can play a significant role in the treatment of heart disease by reducing the symptoms of heart disease and helping to prevent heart disease are:


Fried trans fat increases bad blood cholesterol, lowers good cholesterol and increases the risk of heart disease

There is a lot of trans fat in fried food, fast food, crunchy or crunchy food, bakery food etc. This type of fat raises bad cholesterol in the blood and lowers good cholesterol and increases the risk of heart disease. Artificial foods are high in trans fat. Such as artificial cheese, margarine, frozen fast food etc. In addition to bakery food, such as biscuits, cakes, pies, fast food, chips, frozen pizza or other fast food, etc. have much more trans fat. So for those who have heart disease, this harmful fat should be avoided to prevent heart disease. Before buying any food, make sure that there is no trans fat in it. Trans fat-free foods are essential for the treatment and prevention of heart disease.

Saturated fats, such as ghee, butter, dalda, beef fat, ice cream, cream, condensed milk, etc. increase the risk of heart disease. However, good cooking vegetable oils, such as olive oil, sunflower oil, canola oil, rice bran oil, etc. are good to eat in moderation.

Sodium or salt

Natural foods, such as beef, liver, brain, processed foods, mutton, etc. contain a lot of sodium.
Natural foods, such as beef, liver, brain, processed foods, mutton, etc. contain a lot of sodium.
The biggest source of sodium is table salt. Sodium is found in many foods and nutrients in addition to salt. Foods that contain baking powder, baking soda, testing salt, soy sauce, sauce, butter, fish boss, etc. contain a lot of sodium. Natural foods, such as beef, liver, brain, processed foods, mutton, etc. contain a lot of sodium. A sodium-controlled diet is recommended to control the blood pressure of most heart patients.
Many people avoid eating extra salt with their meals but unknowingly eat extra sodium-rich foods, which increases their risk of heart disease and problems. It is therefore advisable to avoid taking separate salt with food as well as avoid packaged foods, pickles, organ meats, bakery cakes, pastries, biscuits, restaurant meals etc.


Simple sugary and simple sugary foods, such as sugar, chocolate, molasses, cold drinks, sweets, energy drinks, commercial fruit juices, etc. must be avoided. This type of food makes glucose in the blood faster. Excess glucose raises the levels of triglycerides (TG) in the blood, which is responsible for heart disease.
However, many vegetables including complex carbohydrate foods such as red flour bread, red rice, oats, chira, sweet potatoes, kachu are good sources of complex carbohydrates. The fiber or dietary fiber obtained from such carbohydrates helps to reduce bad cholesterol in the blood and increase the level of good cholesterol. The calories in these types of carbohydrates help control weight.


Protein is a very important nutrient for heart disease. Heart patients who have good kidneys need to consume at least 1.2 to 1.5 grams of protein per kg body weight. Fish is a very good source of protein for heart patients. In addition to protein from fish, omega 3 fatty acids are found, which are good for the heart. In addition, chicken, pulses, eggs, low fat milk, yogurt, nuts are very good sources of protein. However, if you have kidney problems, you should take protein as advised by the dietitian

Vegetables and fruits

People who eat fruits and vegetables from an early age have a much lower risk of heart disease. However, not only to avoid the risk of heart disease, the emphasis is on vegetables and fruits to cure heart disease. Potassium in fruits and vegetables helps in controlling blood pressure and fiber in fruits and vegetables helps in reducing bad cholesterol, weight and blood pressure. Minerals and vitamins in vegetables, especially vitamins C, E and A, help to increase immunity, which reduces the risk of other heart diseases.

It is better to eat vegetables in 2 to 3 servings daily. It is better to eat fruits in 2 to 3 servings per person. Salad, mixed vegetable vegetarian, vegetable, fruit and fruit salad is very beneficial. However, sugary fruit juices must be avoided.

Water and liquid

Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness. Moderate water intake is essential to lose weight. Of course, some heart disease water and sweat. Coconut water, low fat milk, sour curd lachchi, vegetable soup, chicken soup, green tea, lemon water, cinnamon tea, homemade fruit juice without sugar etc. are healthy drinks.

Moderate water intake is essential to lose weight
It is necessary to take moderate amount of water to lose weight
In addition to eating habits, there are other things that must be followed:

  • Adhere to the time allotted for meals
  • Eating homemade food
  • Refrain from smoking or using any intoxicants
  • Ensuring 7 to 8 hours of sleep daily
  • Stay worry free
  • To be happy
  • Exercise or walk according to regular doctor's advice
  • Get regular health checkups
  • Don't talk about the disease with anyone other than the expert
