Benefits of mint leaves

Diseases that are cured by eating sweet pumpkin seeds

মDiseases that are cured by eating sweet pumpkin seeds

Sweet pumpkin is one of the vegetables of Bangladesh. However, its seeds also have many benefits. Sweet pumpkin seeds are not only nutritious but also have many medicinal properties. Medicinal properties are discussed below-

  1. Arthritis pain: Sweet pumpkin seeds play an important role in the treatment of arthritis pain. Sweet pumpkin seeds do not increase the amount of fats that are broken down at the joints of bones. Broken fats accumulate in the joints of the bones causing pain. In this way, sweet pumpkin seeds reduce the pain of arthritis by preventing the accumulation of fat. On the other hand, being a natural substance, it has no side effects.

  2. Prevention of osteoporosis: Thirty percent of people over the age of 50 have small fractures in the lumbar spine and 8 percent have osteoporosis. The main cause of osteoporosis is zinc deficiency in the body. And the source of this zinc-rich natural food is sweet pumpkin seeds. So by keeping very easily available and affordable sweet pumpkin seeds in the diet, I will be able to easily prevent the loss of waist, spinal cord and other bones of the body.

  3. Lowers Cholesterol: Phytosterol is a special chemical found in plants. If we take enough phytosterols in our daily diet. Then our body lowers blood cholesterol, increases immunity and prevents cancer. A special source of this phytosterol is sweet pumpkin seeds. The amount of phytosterol in sweet pumpkin seeds is more than twice that of phytosterol present in nuts. The amount is 265 mg or 100 grams.

  4. Increases Fertility: Zinc regulates the structure and functions of our body's cell lining. Zinc deficiency reduces fertility, gives birth to lean and weak babies. In addition, zinc plays an important role in regulating the functions of about 200 of our enzymes. Sweet pumpkin seeds contain a lot of zinc. By eating a little sweet pumpkin seeds every day, we can increase fertility and prevent various diseases including giving birth to strong children.

  5. Prevention of iron deficiency disease: Iron or iron plays a role in the formation of red blood cells and muscle building in our body. Iron provides oxygen to our body and helps the body to produce fresh and necessary energy. Iron deficiency is anemia. Women need more iron than men. Sweet pumpkin seeds have a lot of iron. Eating 35 grams of sweet pumpkin seeds per day will meet about 30% of the daily requirement. Baby growth, lactating mothers, athletes should keep sweet pumpkin seeds in their daily diet.

  6. Manganese Deficiency: Manganese is a very essential chemical element for the body. Overdose of manganese causes the brain and nerve cells to lose their normal function. This results in Alzheimer's, schizophrenia and epilepsy. It also causes diabetes, heart disease and arthritis pain. Since sweet pumpkin seeds contain a lot of manganese; Therefore, by eating some pumpkin seeds every day, you can get relief from these diseases.
  7. Magnesium deficiency: Magnesium is a mineral. Which is essential for the body's metabolism control, protein and nucleic acid production. In addition, it regulates the body's hormonal functions, heart rate, diabetes control, physical growth, bone strength, nervous system information and many other biological functions. So the most affordable and readily available ingredient in magnesium is sweet pumpkin seeds. 35 grams of seeds per day can meet half of the body's needs.
  8. Prostate Gland Tumor: Benign Prostatic Hypotrophy or BPH, also known as prostate gland tumor in simple Bengali. As a result of this disease, the prostate gland becomes enlarged. The hormone testosterone and the dihydro testosterone hormone from it stimulates the cells of the prostate gland. As a result, the prostate gland grows rapidly through the formation of new cells and tumors of the prostate gland are formed. The oil produced from sweet pumpkin seeds is capable of controlling tumors of the prostate gland. Because sweet pumpkin seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids, zinc and carotenoids. Which controls tumors of the prostate gland.
